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How to use truss screed?

Truss screeds are essential tools used by construction workers during the concrete finishing process. Its design allows leveling and smoothing of concrete surfaces in an efficient and streamlined manner. However, to use a truss screed effectively, it is important to understand its function and how to use it properly. In this article, we discuss the steps to take to effectively use a truss screed.


The first step in using a truss screed is to prepare the concrete surface. This involves removing debris and smoothing out rough spots that might hinder the movement of the screed. Once the surface is prepared, it’s time to set up the truss screed. Truss screeds vary in size and design, so it is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions before using them.

Next, place the truss screed on the concrete surface, making sure it is level. It is critical to set the truss mortar to the proper depth based on the thickness of the concrete surface. This is to ensure that the screed does not dig too deep into the concrete, causing it to weaken. Once the truss screed is at the proper depth, tighten the bolts to secure it in place.

Now is the time to start the process of leveling the concrete surface. Starting at one end of the surface, slowly pull the truss mortar through the concrete. As you move the truss screed forward, it uses vibrating beams on the bottom of the screed to level the concrete surface. This action will distribute the concrete evenly across the surface and help remove air pockets.

During this process, the movement of the truss screed must be controlled. Keep in mind that screeds can be heavy, so having enough manpower to keep them steady and safe is crucial. If possible, work with a partner when using a truss screed.

After completing one pass, stop the truss screed and inspect the surface for any high or low spots. High spots are areas where the screed did not level the concrete properly, and low spots are areas where the screed dug too deep into the concrete. Use a hand trowel to manually smooth out any high or low spots. Repeat the process until the entire surface is level.

Finally, once the entire surface is level, allow the concrete to dry completely. Once dry, wash off excess residue and clean the truss screed for storage.

In conclusion, the truss screed is a versatile tool for leveling and smoothing concrete surfaces. Just following these steps can help ensure effective use of the truss screed. Remember to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, prepare the surface, level it with truss mortar, and check high and low points. By doing this, you will have a level and well-finished concrete surface that will last for years.


Post time: May-30-2023